Knowledge Is Your SUPER POWER

The more you know- knowledge has always been and will always be your superpower. Below are a select amount of terms to familiarize yourself with… 

1. Narcissism:

A personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. In extreme cases, it can manifest as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

2. Gaslighting:

A manipulation tactic where the narcissist makes the victim question their own reality, memory, or perceptions. This can involve denying events occurred, challenging the victim's memory, or insisting that the victim is overreacting or misunderstanding.

3. Love Bombing:

An manipulation tactic where the narcissist showers their target with excessive affection, attention, and promises early in a relationship to create a strong emotional bond and dependency.

4. Hoovering:

Attempts by the narcissist to "suck" their victim back into the relationship after a period of separation or conflict, often through grand gestures, promises of change, or appeals to emotion.

5. Lack of Empathy:

The inability or unwillingness to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. Narcissists often struggle to put themselves in others' shoes or consider others' emotions.

6. Entitlement:

A belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Narcissists often feel they are entitled to whatever they want, regardless of the impact on others.

7. Isolation:

A tactic used by narcissists to separate their victims from support systems, making the victim more dependent on the narcissist.

8. Manipulative:

Skilled at influencing or controlling others to their own advantage, often through subtle, deceptive, or abusive tactics.

9. Blame Shifting:

The act of deflecting responsibility for one's actions onto someone else, a common tactic used by narcissists to avoid accountability.

10. False Self:

A facade or persona created by the narcissist to hide their true self and present an idealized image to the world.

11. Flying Monkeys:

People recruited by the narcissist, often unwittingly, to help them in their campaign of manipulation or abuse against a target.

12. Projection:

A defense mechanism where the narcissist attributes their own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to others.

13. Triangulation:

A manipulation tactic where the narcissist brings a third party into their relationship dynamic, often to create jealousy, insecurity, or conflict.

14. Word Salad:

A confusing and incoherent mixture of words and phrases, often used by narcissists to confuse, distract, or manipulate during conversations.

15. Trauma Bonding:

A psychological response where a person forms a strong emotional attachment to their abuser due to cycles of abuse interspersed with positive reinforcement.

16. Narcissistic Supply:

The attention, admiration, or emotional response that a narcissist requires from others to maintain their self-esteem and sense of self-importance.

17. Golden Child:

In family dynamics with a narcissistic parent, the child who is favored and idealized, often at the expense of other siblings.

18. Overt Narcissist:

A narcissist who openly displays grandiosity, arrogance, and a need for admiration.

19. Covert Narcissist:

A narcissist who presents a more subtle, introverted expression of narcissistic traits, often appearing shy or vulnerable while still requiring admiration and having a sense of entitlement.

20. Malignant Narcissist:

A severe form of narcissism that combines narcissistic traits with antisocial behavior, aggression, and sadistic tendencies.

21. Grandiose:

Characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, superiority, and uniqueness.

22. Delusions:

False beliefs held with strong conviction despite evidence to the contrary. Narcissists may have delusions of grandeur or persecution.

23. Need for Admiration:

An intense desire for praise, recognition, and validation from others, which is a core characteristic of narcissism.


How are Narcissists Created? 


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